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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
1371 1

Read the article and select answer.

Ana prefers speaking to journalists to being on television.

1372 2

Read the article and select answer.

Ana has met people from different countries at swimming competitions.

1377 3

Read the article and select answer.

Ana hopes she will become an Olympic swimmer.

1373 4

Read the article and select answer.

Ana likes doing the same things as other teenagers.

1378 5

Read the article and select answer.

Ana's home is in Melbourne.

1374 6

Read the article and select answer.

It is difficult for Ana to take friends with other people who swim.

1375 7

Read the article and select answer.

Ana has won a lot of swimming competitions.

1376 8

Read the article and select answer.

Ana knows that she is better at short races than long ones.