Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
13258 1

He was sure they ___ the station before night ___ .

13259 2

It has been long since I ___ him last. I ___ from him all these

13260 3

I ___ to America five years ago. Since then, I ___ American, and
___ nearly all I ___ there.

13262 4

You ___ here until your mother ___ ready to leave.

13267 5

Bill ___ his girl-friend now. That’s the third time he ___ her this

13263 6

I don’t know when she ___ but when she ___ I’ll give her your

13264 7

-Is this your first visit to London?
-No, I ___ here several times before and I ___ quite at home in

13265 8

-How long ___ you ___ to stay?
-I ___ we ___ here for a week at least.

13261 9

Many changes ___ place since I ___ in my native town 10 years

13266 10

Here ___ your keys. The boy ___ you up to your rooms and your
luggage ___ up straight away.