Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
13335 1

I ___ he ___ it interesting.

13336 2

The company ___ some new equipments before the strike ___ .

13341 3

I ___ my homework by 6 o’clock yesterday and when my mother
came home I ___ supper.

13337 4

Henry ___ Puerto Rico before he ___ to St. Thomas.

13342 5

No sooner he ___ than he ___ ill.

13338 6

The pupils ___ the sentences yet, the teacher ___ the blackboard.

13343 7

Mr. Brown ___ to me 2 hours ago to return the book which he
___ .

13339 8

It ___ dark and it ___ .

13344 9

He didn’t ___ well though he ___ a hard day before.

13340 10

He said that he ___ school and he ___ to enter the academy.