English Preposition Tests
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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
14514 1

He was sentenced _____ four years’ imprisonment.

14515 2

He was found guilty _____ murder in the second degree.

14511 3

Many studies have shown less heart disease _____ groups _____
low blood cholesterol.

14516 4

_____ a 1982 survey, one third of Americans regard alcohol as the
single greatest threat to family life.

14512 5

There is a growing awareness _____ the link _____ emotions and

14517 6

_____ objections, he came to the meeting.

14513 7

_____ days she remained _____ a deep coma.

14518 8

Heavy drinkers are more prone _____ cirrhosis of the liver.

14530 9

It is always difficult to stand up _____ the opinion of the majority.

14525 10

Mexico is situated _____ North America.

14531 11

Robert was _____ a brother to me.

14527 12

We’re on your side. We are all _____ you.

14532 13

Exposure _____ radiation may result _____ sickness and even death.

14528 14

They were just _____ the range of the big guns.

14533 15

They stood _____ silence for a while.

14529 16

_____ a boy, he had been very fond _____ swimming.

14580 17

Did you hear about the architect who designed a three-story house
_____ any stairs?

14581 18

As the boxer realized he was getting _____ the end of the round he
started to relax.

14582 19

_____ his poor grades, their son had trouble getting into university

14583 20

He kept on working _____ his illness.