Intermediate & Upper-Intermediate Level Test 26
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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
15055 1

I felt as if _______.

15060 2

Nobody said a thing except that _______.

15051 3

They decided to postpone the match, _______ the weather conditions
were better than they had expected.

15056 4

His hair looked as if _______.

15052 5

I’d do anything to get that contract, but it is highly unlikely _______.

15057 6

She felt as if _______.

15053 7

Our aim is to recruit the most qualified person, _______.

15058 8

I was never allowed to do the things_______.

15054 9

He behaved as though _______.

15059 10

In Turkey, _______ you come across ceremonies.

15073 11

I’m in a difficult situation in that _______.

15064 12

I get an electrician to check all my electrical appliances every
autumn whether or not _______.

15078 13

_______ you say to her, she still keeps smiling.

15069 14

He grabbed me and shook me till _______.

15074 15

Mr. Taylor, I’m here just in case _______.

15065 16

Nobody gets anything unless _______.

15079 17

_______ he is very rich, he lives very simply.

15070 18

I’d have married her even _______.

15061 19

I used to love listening to her, even though _______.

15075 20

He speaks English much _______ he writes it.

15066 21

Hardly had he uttered the words _______.

15080 22

____ she had sung, the whole audience stood and applauded

15071 23

He feels himself to be dependent in that_______.

15062 24

Tourism is a good thing inasmuch as _______.

15076 25

You can phone me _______ you like.

15067 26

I had no sooner checked in to the hotel_______.

15072 27

He feels himself to be dependent in that_______.

15063 28

“They built a statue of him lest people should forget what he had
done.” means: _______.

15077 29

You shouldn’t be rude, _______ you’re very angry.

15068 30

Long before you return _______.