Intermediate & Upper-Intermediate Level Test 24
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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
15118 1

Roy talks _______ nonsense that no one listens to him any more.

15109 2

“Having seen that film before, she wants to see a different one.”
means: _______

15114 3

I’ll give you my telephone number _______ you want to get in touch
with me again.

15119 4

I wrote down the address _______ I wouldn’t forget it.

15110 5

Mike decided to become an anthropologist _______.

15115 6

I did my homework _______ our teacher had instructed.

15106 7

Since he’s not interested in classical music, he _______.

15120 8

The government puts up taxes _______ get more money from us.

15111 9

Please be quiet so that _______.

15116 10

We have to do the job _______ we like it or not.

15107 11

“I got to the airport at 9.15. My plane left ten minutes later.” means:

15112 12

Please turn down the TV. I want to be able to get to sleep. Please
turn down the TV so that _______.

15117 13

She doesn’t mind working overtime _______ she’s paid for it.

15108 14

“Having worked all day, I was tired last night.” means: _______.

15113 15

I obeyed her _______ she should be angry.

15127 16

Do you want to walk? The rain has stopped.
_______ the rain’s stopped, do you want to walk?

15123 17

We’ll get along just fine _______ he minds his own business.

15128 18

_______ some students think physics is easy, others find it difficult.

15124 19

I’ll eat lunch with you _______ there is enough for both of us.

15129 20

Some people are fat, _______ others are thin.

15125 21

_______ Monday is a national holiday, all government offices will be

15130 22

_______ he had a broken leg, he continued to go to class.

15121 23

_______ I apologized, he looked as if he wanted to strangle me.

15126 24

_______ it’s raining, I think I’ll stay at home.

15122 25

Apparently Betty is jealous ______ I get better grades than she