Intermediate & Upper-Intermediate Level Test 23
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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
15135 1

We were _______ late _______ we missed the plane to Istanbul.

15131 2

It was cold; _______ we went on a picnic.

15132 3

A: You studied hard. Did you pass the test?
B: No, _______ I studied hard, I didn’t pass the test.

15133 4

_______ I took an aspirin, I still have a headache.

15134 5

I had to work until midnight _______ I was very tired.

15148 6

Dr. King gives interesting lectures; _______, he is very popular
with his students.

15139 7

An airline pilot and a racing driver are similar _______ they must
possess good judgment and the ability to react quickly in a crisis.

15153 8

When she arrived, I was pretty fed up, because I _______ since
eight o’clock.

15144 9

_______ coal reserves are abundant, taking advantage of them
requires an active program of development.

15149 10

I was on vacation; _______, I didn’t get your letter.

15140 11

Within another hundred years we will have to find alternative sources
of energy, _______ the world’s reserves of oil will not last that long.

15154 12

I will go home for vacation as soon as I _______ my exams.

15145 13

He found everything rather strange, as he _______ abroad before.

15136 14

He stole the money _______ I warned him not to.

15150 15

We won’t go unless the weather _______ fine.

15141 16

Doctors often use X-rays _____ they can pass through skin and flesh.

15155 17

I’ve written it down for her, _______ she forgets it.

15146 18

James wants to buy a new car, _____ he doesn’t have enough money.

15137 19

The old woman had to stand all the way _______ no one let her sit
down on the bus.

15151 20

They tiptoed up the stairs _______ wake the children.

15142 21

_______ the bans remained in force, Turkey could not claim to be
fully democratic.

15147 22

Robert didn’t study for the test; _______ he did very veil.

15138 23

They built a high fence around the building _______ no one could
get out.

15152 24

We left early _______ avoid the traffic.

15143 25

_______ the price of petrol is so high, I can’t afford to run a car any