Intermediate & Upper-Intermediate Level Test 08
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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
15958 1

____ primary task of ____ development is to eliminate ____ poverty.

15959 2

You won’t reach to ______ back of ______ auditorium; so we’ll have
to use ______ amplifier.

15960 3

We won’t get much benefit from ______ removal of ______ import
duty from ______ European goods.

15957 4

In _____ kingdom of Nepal, high up in _____ Himalayas and within
sight of _____ Mt. Everest _____ world’s highest mountain, _____
way of life in _____ villages has hardly changed in hundreds of years.

15967 5

______ protein can only be found in ______ meat.

15972 6

______ price of sugar has risen by ______ penny______ kilo.

15963 7

____ Queen of England lives in ____ Buckingham Palace in London.

15968 8

In 1937 ____ explorer Sir Hubert Wilkens set out to search for ____
Soviet airman whose plane had gone down over ____ North Pole.

15973 9

Many statues and monuments have been eroded in ______ last fifty
years than had been in ______ previous two hundred years.

15964 10

___ Macy is ___ department store on ___ 34th Street in New York.

15969 11

______ inflation is defined as ______ persistent rise in ______ general
level of prices.

15974 12

In ______ past, ______ air pollution was generally considered basically
______ urban phenomenon.

15965 13

Pressure is inversely proportional to volume; ______ greater the
volume ______ lower the pressure.

15970 14

Economic growth is not ______ sufficient condition on its own to
ensure ______ increase in ______ economic welfare.

15961 15

______ problem of fundamental importance for ______ developing
countries is that of slowing down ______ population growth.

15975 16

It is not known whether ______ high blood pressure is due to ______
increased sodium intake.

15966 17

When we read _____ lives of _____ great, we can catch their courage
as if by _____ contagion.

15971 18

______ Finance Minister increased ______ tax on ______ petrol in
his last budget.

15962 19

______ life is going to be ____ little easier in ____ economic terms.

15976 20

It came out many years later that ______ pair had been happily
married since ______ beginning of ______ century.

15977 21

__ ancient Egypt consisted of __ desert regions surrounding __ Nile.