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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
281 1

_____ you a teacher?

283 2

Hi, Chris. _____ is my friend Jona. Hi, Jona. Nice to meet you.

316 3 Can you see what _____ car's registration is? It's too far away for me.
312 4 Take one of _____ books from that pile.
317 5 I'm leaving ____ Tuesday.
313 6 Everyone does it _____ days.
318 7 I spoke to her a few hours ago- at the meeting _____ morning.
314 8 Everyone did it in _____ days.
319 9 The flat we looked at today was better than ____ two we saw at the weekend.
315 10 If ____ class doesn't stop making so much noise, I'm going to go and tell them to shut up.
320 11 'Waiter, I think ____ wine is off.'
311 12 You shouldn't do it like that, do it ____ way.