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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
17148 1

Change the following pairs of words into sentences, using the correct forms of the Simple Present of the verb to be. For example: they, friendly ==> They are friendly.

you, careful

17139 2

Change the following pairs of words into sentences, using the correct forms of the Simple Present of the verb to be. For example: they, friendly ==> They are friendly.

they, polite

17144 3

Change the following pairs of words into sentences, using the correct forms of the Simple Present of the verb to be. For example: they, friendly ==> They are friendly.

they, careless

17140 4

Change the following pairs of words into sentences, using the correct forms of the Simple Present of the verb to be. For example: they, friendly ==> They are friendly.

I, shy

17145 5

Change the following pairs of words into sentences, using the correct forms of the Simple Present of the verb to be. For example: they, friendly ==> They are friendly.

we, bold

17141 6

Change the following pairs of words into sentences, using the correct forms of the Simple Present of the verb to be. For example: they, friendly ==> They are friendly.

you, reckless

17146 7

Change the following pairs of words into sentences, using the correct forms of the Simple Present of the verb to be. For example: they, friendly ==> They are friendly.

he, here

17142 8

Change the following pairs of words into sentences, using the correct forms of the Simple Present of the verb to be. For example: they, friendly ==> They are friendly.

we, ready

17147 9

Change the following pairs of words into sentences, using the correct forms of the Simple Present of the verb to be. For example: they, friendly ==> They are friendly.

it, warm

17143 10

Change the following pairs of words into sentences, using the correct forms of the Simple Present of the verb to be. For example: they, friendly ==> They are friendly.

she, clever