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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
2084 1

Where  _______ Samuel and Benjamin hide their DVDs?

2085 2

Dogs love meat, but they  ______ love cheese

2081 3

_______the boys play baseball outside?

2086 4

________the dog like to sleep on the sofa?

2082 5

_______Mrs Mason read the news?

2087 6

Where ________the Jacksons buy their veggies?

2083 7

We eat schnitzels, but we ______ eat hamburgers.

2089 8

What __________ the children wear in your country?

2094 9

_____ Mr Smith teach Spanish?

2090 10

My mother likes biscuits, but she ____like crackers.

2095 11

Maximus plays badminton, but he _____ play hockey.

2091 12

________ the children learn to use money at school?

2096 13

______ Brendon and Harry bake cakes for their party?

2092 14

What _____ you have for breakfast, Elizabeth?

2097 15

Where _____ your uncles live?

2088 16

Linneaus' father watches tennis on TV, but he________ watch soccer.

2093 17

Dorian and Erica read comics, but they _____ read magazines

2107 18

_____ drink and ride.

2098 19

Mr. Hudson speaks Spanish, but he _____ speak Finnish.

2103 20

When do you ______  your homeworks, John?

2099 21

What _____ Sanders sell?

2104 22

Richard ______ forget his wallet at home.

2100 23

The girls love badminton, but they _____ love swimming.

2105 24

When ______ the first lesson start?

2101 25

Do you usually ____ something stupid?

2106 26

_____ Amanda come to school by motorbike every morning?

2102 27

We ______ write an essay.

2108 28

_____ you always recycle used papers?

2109 29

Wallace ______ fly to Forli, he flies to Florence.

2110 30

My father ______ the shopping.