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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
869 1

Mary ......... to school in the mornings.

860 2

What time.... you...........?

865 3

He doesn’t ............ well.

870 4

Teachers ................. on Sundays.

861 5

What ... they usually ... for dinner?

866 6

We ................. in class.

871 7

What ...... you ...... for breakfast?

862 8

He ............... TV in the evenings.

867 9

My brother ..... eat anything on Fridays.

872 10

My father ...... on Saturdays.

863 11

......... you ....... tennis on Sundays?

868 12

When ..... Mary ..... to party?

873 13

When ..... the children ..... teeth?

864 14

Children ................ much.

878 15

Kate .... drink water with her meals.

874 16

....... Mr Been ........ on Sundays?

879 17

Peter! ..... you come here every day?

875 18

My brother .... work very much.

876 19

Mary .... do anything in the morning

877 20

What .... you do on Mondays?