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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
1729 1

He _____ listening _____ music.

1730 2

She’s married _____ an American man.

1731 3

He lives ____ an island _____ the west of Scotland.

1738 4

We _____ _____ watching television.

1727 5

Anna likes Joanna, but Maria doesn’t like _____.

1749 6

Get _____ the bus.

1740 7

He works _____ an undertaker.

1759 8

Every time he _____ a glass of lemonade before breakfast.

1745 9

Tourists come _____ boat.

1750 10

He picks up the apples _____ the tree.

1741 11

She goes skiing _____ her free time.

1746 12

There’s a letter _____ you.

1751 13

At ten we go _____ bed.

1742 14

She likes going _____ walks _____ summer.

1747 15

A nurse looks _____ people in hospital.

1753 16

Our teacher gives _____ a lot of homework.

1743 17

He speaks to people _____ his radio.

1748 18

She lives _____ Switzerland.

1757 19

_____ a shower.

1744 20

He drives the children _____ school.

1760 21

She _____ _____ from America.

1762 22

She _____ from England.

1765 23

A: _____ does Natalie’s nephew do?
B: He’s an architect.