Elementary & Pre-Intermediate Level Test 17
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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
15338 1

I have a mark on my coat but ______.

15343 2

When I got home, ______.

15334 3

Although he eats a lot, ______.

15339 4

It is raining now. We’d better wait until it ______.

15344 5

They studied hard although ______.

15335 6

She is very healthy, but______.

15340 7

No buses were running ______.

15345 8

The lights went out ______.

15336 9

You’d better take care of yourself , otherwise, ______.

15341 10

I usually listen to some classical music______ I am reading.

15337 11

I couldn’t solve the problem so ______.

15342 12

I swim every day when______.

15347 13

She was not listening while ______.

15352 14

We can leave as soon as ______.

15348 15

Always turn your television off ______.

15349 16

______ as soon as I get home.

15350 17

She left the clothes out although ______.

15346 18

He went out as ______.

15351 19

I’ll be at the airport when ______.

15431 20

“ May I use your telephone?” He asked me if ______.

15427 21

The surgeon says, “You may have some pain for a few days.” He
says that ______ some pain for a few days.

15432 22

She was sorry that ______.

15428 23

She asked me if ______ to the meeting.

15429 24

I don’t know where ______.

15430 25

“ Can you help me?” She wondered if ______.