Auxiliary Verbs
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Time limit0:05:00
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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
1352 1

British people ......... get a visa to go to Scotland.

1357 2

.............. you smoke in public places?

1353 3

.............. you have some more potatoes?

1358 4

A : Where is Sarah?

B : She ........... have gone swimming.

1354 5

You ........... worry about the consequences.

1359 6

A : Could I ask you something?

B : Yes, of course you ...........’

1355 7

We .......... go camping this summer.

1360 8

Don’t call them now. They .......... have gone.

1351 9

I couldn’t think properly. Perhaps I ..................... ill.

1356 10

Yesterday evening, I ............ to watch TV for an hour.