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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
4771 1

How long _____ this book?

4776 2

I’m hot because I _____!

4767 3

Look what Pat _____ me for my birthday! A bike!

4772 4

Sorry. I _____ one of your glasses.

4777 5

The streets are wet. _____?

4768 6

I _____ my wallet. Where did I last put it?

4773 7

She’s tired because she _____ all day.

4764 8

I _____ to most countries in Europe, but I’ve never _____ to Russia.

4778 9

Sorry I’m late. _____ for a long time?

4769 10

I _____ the living room, but I haven’t finished yet.

4774 11

_____ Paul Simon’s latest record?

4765 12

“Can I speak to Mr. Thompson, please?”
“I’m afraid he’s just _____ out of the office.”

4783 13

I _____ six pages.

4770 14

They _____ here for three years.

4775 15

I _____ my finger! It really hurts.

4766 16

There’s my wallet! I _____ for it for ages.

4784 17

I _____ an essay all day.

4785 18

Tom _____ as a postman for the past month.

4786 19

How long _____ your car?

4787 20

I _____ a new flat a few months ago.