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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
4729 1

He always makes me _____.

4722 2

I _____ the book back to the library after I _____ reading it.

4730 3

I didn’t recognize him because he _____ a haircut.

4724 4

I live in a house now, but before I _____ in a flat.

4727 5

I’ll never forget _____ him for the first time.

4728 6

She refused _____ for the meal.

4745 7

I took my family to Paris last year. I _____ there as a student, so I
_____ my way around.

4736 8

I ____ to sleep until I _____ my homework.

4741 9

Why did you _____ that?

4746 10

I _____ you at 8.00, but you _____ just _____ out.

4737 11

I had read the book _____ I saw the film.

4742 12

Sandra _____ Bob that she didn’t see the Taj Mahal.

4747 13

After they _____ their work, they ___ home.

4738 14

_____ I had had a bath I went to bed.

4743 15

He _____ he was at school the day before.

4734 16

When I _____ the letter, I _____ it away.

4748 17

When I got to the office, I _____ that I _____ to lock the front door.

4739 18

I’m English. I come from Brighton. In Paris I am a _____.

4744 19

After I _____ to the news, I _____ to bed.

4735 20

As soon as he _____ his driving test, he _____ a car.

4740 21

Could I ______ your pen?

4750 22

Lisa _____ me a lift because I _____ the bus.

4749 23

I _____ her for everything she _____.