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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
324 1 _____ are you from? _____ from Oxford.
329 2

To ___ does this coat belong?

325 3 I'm _____ and I have _____ children.
330 4

The group is _____ of three experienced doctors.

326 5

If your phone stops working, ______ a new one?

327 6

The doorman won’t allow you to enter _____ you provide identification.

323 7 Hello. My _____ Manuel. What's _____ name?
328 8

When you’re done, _____ your books to your room.

331 9

____ project won first place in the competition.

332 10

Bradley will need help _____ the first semester.

410 11

The tree is ________ the door.

424 12

Mary’s ________ the garden.

415 13

What’s her brother doing?

420 14

Where’s the book?

411 15

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.

425 16

Sarah, what ________ doing?

416 17

Is that horse big?

421 18

Tony is looking at ________

412 19

The lamp is ________ the television.

417 20

Is that a book?

422 21

Are there six books on the table?

413 22

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct. 

418 23

What’s his name?

423 24

Tom often sings, but ________.

414 25

How many chairs are there in the room?

419 26

Are you happy?

429 27

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.

426 28

Bill and I ________ here.

427 29

John and Mary ________ the radio.

428 30

What ________ John doing?