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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
1660 1

The train leaves Paris _____ 4 p.m.

1661 2

My brother’s birthday is _____ March.

1682 3

A: Where _____ your parents _____ ?
B: In the Ministry of Education.

1683 4

A: What _____ your niece _____ ?
B: A nurse.

1679 5

A: _____ does Margaret start work?
B: At 7 in the morning.

1684 6

A: What _____ you _____ ?
B: An architect

1680 7

A: Do you _____ Afghani?
B: No, _____ .

1681 8

A: _____ languages do they speak?
B: Just one.

1686 9

I _____ English, Russian, and Romanian, but I _____ Chinese.

1691 10

She _____ a bus to university.

1696 11

A friend of mine likes _____ on picnic at weekends.

1687 12

Visitors _____ to India ‘s Independence Day from all over the world.

1692 13

My father _____ driving.

1702 14

Mike eats cheeseburgers because _____ likes _____ .

1688 15

The Buckingham Palace _____ lots of rooms.

1693 16

His father _____ , but Bill’s father _____ smoke.

1703 17

Andrew buys a newspaper everyday. _____ reads _____ at home.

1689 18

Every year millions of people _____ The London Museum.

1694 19

_____ Kate live near Jane?

1685 20

Many foreigners in our country _____ to the Golden Bazaar.

1704 21

Tom _____ her but she doesn’t like _____ .

1690 22

I _____ to a football match every Sunday but my father _____ .

1695 23

I _____ my teeth every morning.

1714 24

My parents _____ eat meat.

1705 25

I like _____ but I _____ like swimming.

1719 26

Do boys like _____ jeans?

1710 27

My cat licks _____ tail every evening. But my dogs never lick _____

1715 28

They _____ wash _____ car every day.

1706 29

Do you like _____ in your free time?

1711 30

You _____ a lot of things in _____ free time.

1716 31

I _____ a cigarette, but my teacher _____ smoke.

1707 32

Her sister doesn’t _____ eating a hamburger.

1712 33

We _____ tennis on Monday evenings, but my little sister _____ on

1717 34

Mary _____ face every morning.

1708 35

She likes _____ TV, but her husband doesn’t.

1713 36

Summer holidays _____ in June.

1718 37

My classmates _____ on picnic every month.

1709 38

 I like _____ football, but my brother doesn’t.

1720 39

What _____ Dick and Tom like _____?

1721 40

What _____ you _____ at the weekend?