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Time limit0:07:30
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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
16773 1

"________ would you prefer, the onion soup or the prawn coctail?"

16769 2

"______ are you doing?"

16774 3

"______ kind of films do you like, horror films or thrillers?"

16765 4

"______ sort of music do you like?"

16770 5

"_______ do we need to take for the picnic?"

16766 6

"________ are you going to wear for the wedding?"

16771 7

"______ dentist did you see, Dr Pain or Dr Deville?"

16767 8

"______ is your favourite sport?"

16772 9

"______ are you taking on holiday?"

16768 10

"______ dress shall I wear, the red one or the blue one?"