Articles (a-an-the) Exercises
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  • yagmur's picture

    My score is 10/10.

    Jun 04, 2022

Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
13911 1

___ boy was shy and always looked down when ___ grown-ups
spoke to him.

13907 2

“___ English cannot make ___ good coffee”, she thought leaving
___ restaurant.

13912 3

It’s ___ pity that my birthday comes only once ___ year.

13908 4

I’ll never forget ___ first time I saw ___ real American Christmas

13913 5

Don’t stay outside in ___ cold; come in by ___ fire.

13904 6

___ book is always ___ acceptable gift.

13909 7

Kate ate ___ meat with ___ vegetables for ___ second course.

13905 8

___ few days later I entered ___ reading room of ___ public

13910 9

There was ___ good restaurant near ___ cinema and Joan decided
to have ___ dinner there.

13906 10

At ___ first it was difficult for her to drive ___ car in ___ London.