Prepositions after Verbs
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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
14281 1

Don’t blame me _____ what happened. It wasn’t my fault.

14282 2

This town reminds me _____ the place where I was born.

14283 3

I pride myself _____ the fact that I read two or three books a week.

14280 4

When I was driving home I almost crashed _____ a bus.

14324 5

We can call _____ Mary at her office at 10 tomorrow.

14329 6

He did not die _____ hunger or cholera. He died _____ an accident.

14325 7

He feeds his horse _____ corn and beans.

14330 8

Paralysis has deprived him _____ the use of his right hand.

14326 9

Please excuse me _____ being late.

14331 10

Our next-door neighbor said he’d complain _____ us _____ the police
if we made any more noise.

14327 11

We all perform, and we all hope _____ approval.

14332 12

The police are going to charge him _____ having murdered.

14323 13

He boasted _____ the big fish he had caught.

14328 14

Some members of parliament voted _____ the proposal.

14333 15

They blamed Peter _____ the failure.