Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
13251 1

If you ___ so rude to her she ___ to us earlier.

13256 2

-When ___ you ___ here?
-I ___ just ___ .

13252 3

Ernest Hemingway ___ one of those people who ___ in their

13257 4

- “___ you ___ this film yet?”
- “Yes.”
- “When ___ you ___ it?”

13248 5

He might ___ the accident if he ___ more careful.

13253 6

The famous writer Tolstoy ___ forever in our memories, in the
books he ___ to us.

13249 7

Two years ago she ___ and now she ___ her time visiting friends.

13254 8

Everybody ___ at what ___ .

13250 9

“Hello, Mr. Roberts” ___ the clerk. “What ___ you ___
home your the wife today?”

13255 10

Look! There ___ nothing here. Everything ___ away.