Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
13293 1

I ___ about it at the moment and I think that I ___ how to use it

13298 2

His situation ___ since spring. Now he ___ much better.

13294 3

My dog ___ a lot but it ___ at the moment.

13299 4

You ___ very thoughtful. What ___ you ___ about?

13290 5

He ___ a very experienced teacher. He ___ French for 15 years.

13295 6

Do you ___ that woman in the corner? She ___ her dog walk.

13291 7

I ___ I ___ you there.

13296 8

Please, ___ me the newspaper a postman ___ today.

13292 9

Tom ___ the book since yesterday morning and he ___ it.

13297 10

It’s evening. People ___ to their house and ___ TV