You got 1 of 25 possible points.
Your score: 4%
Question 1

A: How much do you weigh?
B: _____.

Score: 1 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
I needn’t have told you0
I’d rather not tell you
Should have chosen
I couldn’t have told you0
I’d better not be told0
Question 2

A: Did you enjoy the concert?
B: It was OK, but I ___ to the theatre.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
must have gone0
would rather have gone0
Should have chosen
had better go0
needn’t have gone0
Question 3

I _____ to go now. I have a class in ten minutes.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
had better0
have got0
Should have chosen
Question 4

If there is fuel shortage, solar energy _____.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
had to be developed0
has to develop0
will have to develop0
will have to be developed0
Should have chosen
Question 5

I _____ go to the cinema than study English.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
had better0
need to0
would rather0
Should have chosen
Question 6

When I was a child my father _____ read me a story every night
before bed.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
was used to0
Should have chosen
was going to0
got used to0
Question 7

A: _____ Barcelona _____ Real Madrid last night?
B: Yes, it could. It has got more skillful players.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
could / beat0
could / have beaten0
Should have chosen
could / be beaten by0
could / have been beaten0
Question 8

Joan suggested that they _____ all go for a walk in the afternoon -
provided it didn’t keep on raining.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
Should have chosen
Question 9

You say I _____ a screwdriver. What _____ I _____?

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
might not use / should / be used0
mustn’t use / could / have used0
could have used / should / have used0
shouldn’t have used / should / have used0
Should have chosen
Question 10

Your umbrella is wet. It _____ raining.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
must be0
Should have chosen
can’t be0
Question 11

“Doctors are supposed to help sick people” means: _____.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
They must be helping sick people.0
They might have helped sick people.0
They should help sick people.0
Should have chosen
They help sick people.0
Question 12

A: Is he going to have his operation this month?
B: Well, he _____ have had it this month, but now he is going to
have it next month.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
used to0
Should have chosen
was to0
needs to0
Question 13

If we went to live in the tropics. I _____ buy some thin clothes.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
have to0
have had to0
will have to0
would have to0
Should have chosen
Question 14

Before his illness he _____ anything but now he _____ very careful
with his diet.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
could eat / can be0
could eat / has to be0
Should have chosen
must have eaten / had to be0
couldn’t eat / has to be0
Question 15

Mary _____ any chocolates but she did.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
ought not to have eaten0
Should have chosen
must not have eaten0
ought not to eat0
shouldn’t eat0
Question 16

When she got thinner she _____ take her dress in.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
will have to0
has to0
had to0
Should have chosen
Question 17

He was so unsure of himself that he ______ even buy a box of
chocolates without consulting his mother.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
Should have chosen
might not have0
Question 18

This is an opportunity that comes once in a lifetime. We _____ let it

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
shouldn’t have0
needn’t have0
don’t have to0
Should have chosen
Question 19

When I was a child, I _____ a flashlight to bed with me so that I
_____ read comic books without my parents’ knowing them.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
used to take / could0
Should have chosen
would take / can0
would have taken / was able to0
was used to taking / could0
Question 20

I can’t find my keys. I have a feeling I _____ them in the library.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
should have left0
must have left0
Should have chosen
could leave0
might leave0
Question 21

My car has been making a strange noise lately. I _____ it to the
garage and get it seen to.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
should have taken0
was to have taken0
had to take0
shall have to take0
Should have chosen
Question 22

If we don’t book seats soon, we _____ to get into the concert.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
will be able0
are able0
won’t be able0
Should have chosen
Question 23

I _____ to the doctor. I’m feeling much better.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
needn’t have gone0
should have gone0
mustn’t go0
don’t have to go0
Should have chosen
Question 24

Rice _____ have water in order to grow.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
ought to0
Should have chosen
had better0
Question 25

After looking at his notes again, he _____ to complete the exercise.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
was able0
Should have chosen
has been able0