You got 0 of 25 possible points.
Your score: 0%
Question 1

She _____ about the time. Her friends were also late.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
needn’t have worried0
Should have chosen
doesn’t need to worry
won’t need to worry0
needn’t worry0
Question 2

These flowers _____ twice a week, but I always forget to water them.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
ought to have been watered
ought to water0
needn’t have been watered0
should be watered0
Should have chosen
Question 3

I walked to school this morning, but I _____ a bus.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
had better take0
didn’t need to take0
could have taken0
Should have chosen
might take0
Question 4

A: Is it Sunday? All the shops are closed.
B: Well, if all the shops are closed, it _____ Sunday.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
can’t be0
might have been0
must be0
Should have chosen
must have been0
Question 5

Why don’t you buy a lottery ticket. You _____ a large prize.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
might win0
Should have chosen
might have won0
could have won0
must have won0
Question 6

No wonder you always look pale. You _____ get more fresh air.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
must have0
ought to0
Should have chosen
had to0
will need0
Question 7

He was crying just a moment ago. He _____ singing already.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
can’t be0
Should have chosen
must not0
must be0
is not able to0
Question 8

A: I took Janet to the cinema last night.
B: You _____ me too. I was at home.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
may have been taken0
might take0
might have taken0
Should have chosen
must have taken0
Question 9

I _____ to the butcher’s on the way home, but I forgot.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
should go0
must have gone0
ought to have gone0
Should have chosen
need to go0
Question 10

Janet _____ some problem. She keeps crying.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
must have had0
may have had0
must have0
Should have chosen
must have had0
Question 11

George is reading a Spanish newspaper. He _____ Spanish.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
need to know0
is to know0
had to know0
must know0
Should have chosen
Question 12

The plane _____ already-it’s not due to go until 9.55.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
can’t have left0
Should have chosen
can’t leave0
must not leave0
needn’t have left0
Question 13

A: You bought the tickets, didn’t you?
B: No. I _____, but I didn’t have enough money.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
must have0
was supposed to0
Should have chosen
ought to have been0
Question 14

The flower is dead. Maybe I _____ it more water.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
ought to have been given0
might give0
needed to give0
should have given0
Should have chosen
Question 15

It was very cold in the morning. You _____ your sweater.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
could wear0
might wear0
should have worn0
Should have chosen
need to wear0
Question 16

Why did you take such a risk? You _____ died!

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
must be0
might have0
Should have chosen
may be0
Question 17

_____ the pains come again, don’t hesitate to phone me.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
Should have chosen
Question 18

_____ it been raining, I’d have needed my umbrella.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
Should have chosen
Question 19

We _____ our towels because we knew the hotel would provide

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
don’t have to pack0
didn’t need to pack0
Should have chosen
needn’t have been packed0
needn’t pack0
Question 20

The boy _____ walk again soon after he had had an operation.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
is able to0
was able to0
Should have chosen
Question 21

The lights have gone out. _____.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
A fuse might blow0
A fuse must have blown0
Should have chosen
A fuse will have blown0
A fuse could blow0
Question 22

Lucy is very late. She _____ her train.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
should have missed0
may have missed0
Should have chosen
had to miss0
may miss0
Question 23

I don’t think she _____. Call her again.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
can have heard0
can be heard0
might have heard0
Should have chosen
must hear0
Question 24

“I was supposed to call her at seven.” means: _____.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
I was called by her at seven0
I could call her at seven.0
I called her at seven0
I should have called her at seven0
Should have chosen
Question 25

You _____ for me; I could have found the way all right.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
didn’t need to wait0
could have waited0
needn’t have waited0
Should have chosen
don’t have to wait0