Intermediate & Upper-Intermediate Level Test 25
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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
15100 1

Ever since I was a child, I _______ afraid of dogs.

15091 2

_______ quickly you work, you’ll never catch up.

15082 3

She doesn’t like phones in living rooms, and _____ does her sister.

15096 4

“We can’t leave now. We have to wait Peggy.” means: _______.

15087 5

The food may be good at the Harvard but it’s _______ expensive.

15092 6

_______ hard I try, I still can’t do it.

15083 7

It was hot, _______ I didn’t need my coat.

15097 8

By the time I leave this city, I _______ here for ten years.

15088 9

She didn’t seem to recognize me _______ we had never met.

15093 10

_______ the harm she’s done him, he still loves her.

15084 11

The weather was _______ bad _______ we didn’t go to the seaside.

15098 12

Be sure to reread your composition for errors before you _______ it
in to the teacher tomorrow.

15089 13

He left school at sixteen, _______ he has had no real education.

15094 14

“My roommate walked into the room. Immediately, I knew that
something was wrong.” means: _______ I knew that something was

15085 15

He acted strangely, _______ he was frightened,

15099 16

Janet’s contact lens popped out while she _______.

15090 17

You’d better leave now. _______, you’ll have to get a taxi home.

15081 18

____ everybody seemed to be out of cigarettes, I passed mine

15095 19

“_______ the terrible weather, we enjoyed ourselves.

15086 20

People normally treat you just_______ you treat them.

15105 21

_______ the semester is finished, I’m going to rest a few days and
then take a trip.

15101 22

I’ve met _______ people in the last few days that I can’t possibly
remember all of their names.

15102 23

I’ve gained _______ weight that I can’t wear any of my old clothes.

15103 24

I can’t repair the dishwasher myself _______.

15104 25

This is _______ book that I don’t think I’ll finish it.