You got 0 of 25 possible points.
Your score: 0%
Question 1

I ______ her a week ago but she ______ yet.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
wrote / didn’t answer0
had written / hasn’t answered0
wrote / hasn’t answered0
Should have chosen
was written / doesn’t answer0
Question 2

A: What happens to traffic in a traffic jam?
B: It______ up.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
will hold0
was held0
has been held0
is held0
Should have chosen
Question 3

Transport systems ______ likely to change in the future. One probable
difference is that there ______ more electric vehicles.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
will / would be0
will / are0
is / will be0
are / will be0
Should have chosen
Question 4

I used to smoke at one time but now I ______ it up.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
am given0
had given0
have given0
Should have chosen
Question 5

A: ______ we ______ somewhere before?
B: Yes, I ______ you at your sister’s wedding.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
Haven’t / met / saw0
Should have chosen
Hadn’t / met / had seen0
Didn’t / meet / saw0
Haven’t / meet / have seen0
Question 6

I______ hungry at four because I ______ a big lunch at one.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
am not / had0
wasn’t / had had0
Should have chosen
wouldn’t be / had0
was / had had0
Question 7

Mike ______ in a travel agency for six months in 1990. He already
had some experience of the tourist industry because he ______ in a
Tourist Information office in Bristol two years before.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
was working / worked0
worked / has worked0
had worked / had worked0
worked / had worked0
Should have chosen
Question 8

A: Why are you crying?
B: Well, I ______ up onions for the last five minutes.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
will have cut0
will be cutting0
have been cutting0
Should have chosen
am cutting0
Question 9

I ______ what the problem is by tomorrow.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
will be discovering0
will be discovered0
have discovered0
will have discovered0
Should have chosen
Question 10

The weather ______ worse last year than I ______ it to be.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
was / have expected0
had been / expected0
was / had expected0
Should have chosen
had been / have expected0
Question 11

I woke up feeling tired this morning because I ______ very well.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
haven’t been sleeping0
hadn’t slept0
Should have chosen
haven’t slept0
wasn’t sleeping0
Question 12

It is probably about time we ______ the car serviced.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
would have0
Should have chosen
will have0
have had0
Question 13

The men were to ______ but the manager decided to give them a
second change.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
be dismissing0
have been dismissed0
Should have chosen
being dismissed0
Question 14

He ______ at tennis since he came to the USA.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
hasn’t been beaten0
Should have chosen
wasn’t beaten0
isn’t beaten0
hasn’t beaten0
Question 15

I don’t think your brother______ rid of his bad cold.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
has got0
Should have chosen
hasn’t got0
won’t get0
had got0
Question 16

It is due______ in five years’ time.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
be completed0
to complete0
be completing0
to be completed0
Should have chosen
Question 17

The film ______ already ______ when we sat down.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
have / started0
was / starting0
has already / started0
had / started0
Should have chosen
Question 18

No one brought up that question at the meeting. That question
______ up at the meeting.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
won’t be brought0
wasn’t brought0
Should have chosen
hasn’t been brought0
was brought0
Question 19

Go out and get some fresh air! You ______ here reading all morning.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
are sitting0
have been sitting0
Should have chosen
had been sitting0
were sitting0
Question 20

Someone ______ my bike last night. ______ you ever ______ your
bike stolen?

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
stole / Did / have0
stole / Have / had0
Should have chosen
was stolen / Have / had0
stolen / Have / had0
Question 21

A: Did you spend your holiday in Miami?
B: No. I was ______. It there, but I changed my mind and went to
Antalya instead.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
to be spent0
have spent0
to have spent0
Should have chosen
Question 22

A: Did you turn off the photocopier?
B: The manager ______ already ______ it off.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
was / turned0
had been / turned0
had / turned0
Should have chosen
has / turned0
Question 23

The doctor ______ the patient with a smile and told him that he
______ better.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
had approached / looked0
approached / is looking0
approached / was looking0
Should have chosen
approaches / is looking0
Question 24

By the time I got to the stadium they ______ already ______ for ten

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
will / have played0
had / been playing0
Should have chosen
have / been playing0
Question 25

He ______ silly questions until my patience finally ran out.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
kept asking0
Should have chosen
was kept asking0
had been kept asking0
has kept asking0