You got 0 of 25 possible points.
Your score: 0%
Question 1

By 2010, scientists surely ______ a cure for cancer.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
had discovered0
will have discovered0
Should have chosen
have been discovered0
are discovering0
Question 2

A: I’ve planned my future for the next five years.
B: That is very clever of you. What ______ when you retire?

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
will you do0
do you do0
are you going to do0
Should have chosen
have done0
Question 3

We spent hours talking about what we ______ since we left school.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
have been doing0
have done0
were doing0
had been doing0
Should have chosen
Question 4

Since the day he ______ ill he ______ a lot of reading.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
was / had done0
was / has done0
Should have chosen
is / has done0
is / has been done0
Question 5

Last Sunday we ____ out of the house where we ____ for five years.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
have moved / had lived0
will move / have lived0
moved / had lived0
Should have chosen
had moved / lived0
Question 6

As soon as she ______ out of bed she got dressed.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
would get0
had got0
Should have chosen
has got0
Question 7

When I counted my change I realized they ______ me $ 3 too much.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
had been given0
have given0
had given0
Should have chosen
Question 8

He ______ my name, so I reminded him.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
has forgotten0
had forgotten0
Should have chosen
Question 9

A: Why have you set your alarm clock to go off at 5.30?
B: Because I ______ then. I have to catch the early train.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
was going to get up0
am going to get up0
Should have chosen
get up0
have got0
Question 10

You’ll feel a lot better after you ______ a rest.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
had had0
have had0
Should have chosen
will have0
Question 11

She ______ unwell for several days when she was taken to hospital.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
has been feeling0
was feeling0
had felt0
had been feeling0
Should have chosen
Question 12

They were very rude to us. We ______ there again.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
won’t go0
Should have chosen
wouldn’t go0
didn’t go0
hadn’t gone0
Question 13

He ______ in the library every night for the last two months.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
has been studying0
Should have chosen
has been studied0
would be studying0
will have studied0
Question 14

They ______ married but in the end they changed their mind.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
will have been0
are going to get0
had been0
were going to get0
Should have chosen
Question 15

A: Would you like me to give Mike a message for you?
B: Oh, I don’t want to trouble you.
A: It’s no trouble, really. I ______ Mike tomorrow anyway.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
have seen0
am seeing0
Should have chosen
would see0
Question 16

I met her at yesterday’s party, but I ______ her by sight for years
before that.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
had known0
Should have chosen
had been known0
have known0
will have known0
Question 17

In about forty years’ time we’ll probably ______ on pills.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
be living0
Should have chosen
have been lived0
have been living0
have lived0
Question 18

During this year we ______ many advances in computer science.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
are seeing
have seen0
Should have chosen
had seen0
Question 19

Our maths teacher ______ us a lot of homework last week but he
______ us very much so far this week.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
would give / didn’t give0
had given / didn’t give0
gave / didn’t given0
gave / hasn’t given0
Should have chosen
Question 20

Next August, while you ______ for your exams, I ______ on a
Mediterranean beach.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
were preparing / was0
prepare / will be0
were preparing / would be0
are preparing / will be0
Should have chosen
Question 21

When he’d counted his change he ______ it in his pocket.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
Should have chosen
had put0
was put0
has put0
Question 22

By 5.30 this afternoon, Tom ______ at work for eight hours.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
had been0
will have been0
Should have chosen
has been0
would have been0
Question 23

In a fortnight’s time they ______ their exams.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
had taken0
will have taken0
Should have chosen
have taken0
will have been taken0
Question 24

When I last talked to him, he ______ English.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
was studying0
Should have chosen
Question 25

A: What’s the time? B: I’m sorry I ______. My watch ______.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
didn’t know / stopped0
don’t know / had stopped0
don’t know / has stopped0
Should have chosen
can’t tell / stopped0