Elementary & Pre-Intermediate Level Test 10
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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
15710 1

Who ______ next to you now?

15707 2

A: How was the party?
B: Very nice but Thomas ______ too much.

15708 3

Lucy often ______ red.

15709 4

A: Can I speak to Mr. Rich?
B: I’m sorry, he ______.

15728 5

The computer ______ delivered tomorrow.

15719 6

I ______ tired today.

15724 7

The history exam ______ given next Friday.

15715 8

My English is ______ better.

15729 9

The 1990 World cup for football ______ in Italy.

15720 10

Julia ______ feeling well this morning.

15711 11

A: Was Kennedy killed by Lee Harvey Oswald?
B: Yes, ______.

15725 12

The electric light bulb ______ by Edison.

15716 13

______ there a toilet upstairs ?

15730 14

French ______ in our school.

15721 15

Why ______ you learning English ?

15712 16

A: Who discovered penicillin?
B: ______?

15726 17

A patient ______ by a doctor.

15717 18

How long has he ______ that old car?

15722 19

Television ______ by millions of people every day.

15713 20

The French Revolution ______ about 200 years ago.

15727 21

Experiments are often ______ by scientists.

15718 22

A: I’d like a salad.
B: So ______.

15723 23

The letter ______ by the secretary now.

15714 24

A: Why are you late?
B: I ______ on the wrong bus.

15731 25

A: Did Alexander Graham Bell invent the telephone?
B: Yes, it ______ invented by him.