You got 2 of 30 possible points.
Your score: 7%
Question 1

Only ______ Simon’s friends went to the match, not ______ .

Score: 1 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
a lot of / many0
a few of / many
Should have chosen
a few / much0
some / much0
Question 2

Who is ______ footballer in Brazil?

Score: 1 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer



very good


the best

Should have chosen

a better

Question 3

I can’t speak English as ______ my elder brother.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
good as0
fluently as0
Should have chosen
better than0
Question 4

Today isn’t ______ yesterday.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
as sunny as0
Should have chosen
cold as0
a lot hotter0
a little warmer0
Question 5

They went to France by ______ plane but we’re planning to go on
______ bus.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
_ / _0
the / the0
a / a0
_ / a0
Should have chosen
Question 6

There is ______ horror film on ______ TV tonight.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
a / __0
Should have chosen
an / _0
_ / _0
a / the0
Question 7

______ Atlantic Ocean is larger than ______ Mediterranean Sea.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
_ / the0
The / the0
Should have chosen
The / _0
_ / _0
Question 8

She’s got ______ records of classical music.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
very much0
very little0
a few0
Should have chosen
Question 9

______ I want is a cup of tea.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
Should have chosen
Question 10

______ Lake Oregon is ______ large lake.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
_ / _0
__ / a0
Should have chosen
A / a0
The / a0
Question 11

______ earth moves round ______ sun.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
The / the0
Should have chosen
_ / the0
An / the0
The / _0
Question 12

The world’s population is getting ______ every year.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
the biggest0
Should have chosen
very big0
Question 13

______ weather was terrible yesterday, so we spent all day at ______

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
_ / the0
The / _0
Should have chosen
A / _0
The / the0
Question 14

A: Where is ______ coffee I bought?
B: It’s in ______ kitchen.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
_ / the0
the / the0
Should have chosen
the / a0
_ / _0
Question 15

Good health is ______ than money.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
the most important0
very important0
more important0
Should have chosen
as important as0
Question 16

The plane arrived ______ than we’d expected.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
as late as0
Should have chosen
very late0
Question 17

______ Amazon is ______ longest river in the World.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
_ / _0
The / __0
The / the0
Should have chosen
__ / the0
Question 18

He is ______ vegetarian. He doesn’t eat ______ meat.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
a / _0
Should have chosen
_ / _0
the / _0
a / the0
Question 19

He always drinks ______ tea with ______ milk.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
the / _0
_ / _0
Should have chosen
a / a0
a / _0
Question 20

I’ve got very ______ money.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
a few0
Should have chosen
Question 21

______ ABC cinema is opposite ______ hospital.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
The / the0
Should have chosen
The / __0
_ / the0
An / the0
Question 22

Where is the ______ place in the world?

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
Should have chosen
more interesting0
as peaceful as0
Question 23

We visited ______ Birmingham Museum ______ last year.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
_ / the0
the / the0
the / _0
Should have chosen
_ / _0
Question 24

Janet is almost ______ her father. She’s 176 cm and he is 178 cm.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
tall as0
taller than0
as tall as0
Should have chosen
a little shorter0
Question 25

Listen to me. I can explain _______.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
Should have chosen
Question 26

______ milk is good for you. Why don’t you drink ______ milk in
your glass?

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
A / the0
The / the0
__ / the0
Should have chosen
_ / a0
Question 27

Tracey has been in ______ prison for a year. Last Sunday his father
went to ______ prison to see him.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
a / the0
the / the0
_ / the0
Should have chosen
_ / _0
Question 28

What is ______ capital of ______ Switzerland?

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
a / _0
_ / a0
the / _0
Should have chosen
the / the0
Question 29

My father has gone into ______ hospital for ______ operation.

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
the / _0
_ / an0
Should have chosen
the / an0
_ / _0
Question 30

A: Were there ______ passengers on the plane?
B: Not ______ .

Score: 0 of 1
Your answerChoiceCorrect?ScoreFeedbackCorrect answer
a few / many0
a lot of / much0
many / a few0
a lot of / many0
Should have chosen