Pre-Intermediate Level Test 05
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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
16270 1

A: Have you read this new book by Robert O’Neill?
B: No, I haven’t. ______ like to read it.

16261 2

Some people think that life was ______ a hundred years ago.

16275 3

The boy has a knife. Don’t let him cut ______ .

16266 4

There ______ some fish very near the coast.

16271 5

He paid for an ice-cream for ______ .

16262 6

He is very honest. He is ______ than David.

16267 7

He has two friends. That’s not very ______ .

16258 8

Concorde is ______ other planes.

16272 9

My niece can’t find her umbrella. Is this blue one ______ ?

16263 10

He knows ______ about classical music.

16268 11

If the police ______ arrive soon, they’ll be too late.

16259 12

A bicycle moves ______ than a car.

16273 13

A: What is the matter with the baby?
B: She is ______ hungry.

16264 14

Plastic surgery doesn’t cost ______ .

16269 15

A: Is Ashley’s new dress blue?
B: No, ______ is green. Helen’s is blue.

16260 16

A bee is ______ than a bird.

16274 17

A: Do you read a lot?
B: Yes, I read ______ books every year.

16265 18

The police ______ looking for a man who escaped from prison.

16279 19

A: Let’s have lunch at the Sultan Restaurant.
B: I can’t. I didn’t bring ______ money today.

16280 20

“That coat is expensive, isn’t it?” “Yes, it costs ______ .”

16276 21

Would you like ______ of this cake?

16281 22

Half of the salad ______ yours.

16277 23

A: Whose house is that?
B: It’s ______ .

16282 24

A: May I help you?
B: Yes, I want three ______ .

16278 25

A: Would you like some coffee?
B: Yes please, but just ______ .