Pre-Intermediate Level Test 04
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Time limit0:12:30
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Questions in this exercise:

Question ID No Question
16287 1

All the businessmen ______ staying at the hotel.

16288 2

A couple of the players ______ leaving now.

16289 3

They were here, but they have gone back to ______ apartment.

16290 4

Everybody in the classroom ______ sleepy.

16286 5

A: Whose coat it that?
B : It’s ______ .

16305 6

I enjoyed ______ vacation. Did you enjoy ______ too ?

16296 7

Misfortunes like that aren’t ______ fault.

16301 8

I don’t have ______ petrol in my car.

16292 9

Each of the children ______ given a box of chocolate.

16297 10

There is ______ food in the house.

16302 11

I asked her ______ was on the phone.

16293 12

Her mother wants ______ to wash the dishes.

16298 13

______ of us are staying home.

16303 14

Everyone is responsible for ______ own composition.

16294 15

Please lend me ______ dollar.

16299 16

The children ran screaming into ______ own rooms.

16304 17

______ of the children is sick today.

16295 18

This test is for students ______ native language is not English.

16300 19

He knows ______ about sports.

16291 20

Everyone ______ in the room now.

16310 21

She is wearing ______ unusual dress .

16306 22

His parents and ______ went to a concert last weekend.

16307 23

This cake was made with ______ butter so it should be good.

16308 24

It’s ______ time for us to go home.

16309 25

The car was traveling at more than 90 miles ______ hour when the
accident happened.